How Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate is Revolutionizing the Industry

How Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate is Revolutionizing the Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a concept of the future but a present-day reality that is transforming industries across the board.

In the commercial real estate sector, AI is becoming a game-changer, offering innovative solutions that streamline operations, improve decision-making, and enhance property management. From property developers to investors, AI is revolutionizing how industry players work and create value.

But how exactly is AI influencing commercial real estate? How to use AI for real estate? And what benefits AI in the real estate industry can bring to the table? 

Let’s dive into the details. 

AI and commercial real estate

Artificial intelligence in commercial real estate is making significant inroads by enabling smarter, more efficient operations. 

How AI is transforming commercial real estate? From automating routine tasks to providing deep insights through data analysis, AI is revolutionizing the way real estate professionals manage properties, develop projects, and analyze markets.

In fact, a study by Deloitte reported that over 70% of real estate companies were planning to adopt AI in some form to enhance efficiency and innovation. The technology has moved beyond early adoption to become a core part of many operations in the industry.

Real estate AI tools are being used across various facets of the industry. Let’s talk of how to use AI in commercial real estate in detail:

Property management

What are the benefits of AI in property management? AI-driven systems help property managers optimize energy usage, manage tenants more effectively, and anticipate maintenance needs before they become costly problems. 

For example, intelligent building management systems can automatically adjust lighting and HVAC based on occupancy, cutting down energy waste. AI can also analyze tenant behavior to customize services, thus improving tenant retention rates.

Real estate development

A real estate AI assistant plays a crucial role in site selection, project planning, and building operations management, making these processes more efficient and cost-effective. It can analyze environmental data, traffic patterns, and economic indicators to select the most strategic location for new developments. 

AI's ability to process large volumes of data quickly allows developers to assess multiple potential sites simultaneously, something that would take human teams much longer to achieve.

Market analysis

AI is revolutionizing real estate analytics by predicting market trends and property values, offering investors actionable insights that lead to better decision-making. 

AI for commercial real estate can also analyze vast datasets that would be too complex for human analysts, providing forecasts that are more accurate and reliable. For example, AI can evaluate past market behaviors and current economic conditions to predict future property values with remarkable accuracy.

Smart property management with AI

AI-driven solutions are redefining property management by automating and optimizing many aspects of the job. With the rise of smart property management tools and AI for facility management, building operations are becoming increasingly hands-off, allowing property managers to focus on strategic tasks rather than day-to-day operations.

Technologies and AI tools for real estate

Modern AI tools for commercial real estate can manage everything from energy usage to tenant communications. These technologies use machine learning algorithms to adapt to changing conditions, ensuring that properties are managed efficiently and effectively. For example, platforms like IBM’s TRIRIGA provide real-time monitoring and predictive analytics to help manage facility operations seamlessly. 

Artificial Intelligence in facilities management is also seeing a rise, with AI tools being used to schedule and manage maintenance tasks, reducing downtime and preventing costly repairs. AI can prioritize maintenance tasks based on the criticality of the equipment, ensuring that vital systems receive attention first.


Cost reduction 

AI software for real estate helps reduce operational costs by automating routine tasks and optimizing energy consumption. Smart energy management systems can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. These savings can be substantial, especially for large commercial properties where energy costs represent a significant portion of the operating budget.

Improved tenant experience

Real estate AI software can enhance tenant satisfaction by providing quicker response times and personalized services. For instance, AI chatbots can handle maintenance requests, ensuring faster resolutions to tenant issues. AI can analyze tenant feedback to identify areas for improvement, allowing property managers to proactively address concerns and improve overall tenant satisfaction.

Predictive maintenance

AI tools can predict when maintenance is needed, preventing costly breakdowns and extending the life of property assets. AI models can predict failures based on historical data, reducing maintenance costs by up to 15-20% for some properties. Predictive maintenance not only reduces costs but also minimizes disruptions to tenants, improving the overall experience.

AI's role in real estate development

AI is not only streamlining property management but is also playing a pivotal role in real estate development, making every phase more efficient and data-driven.

Site selection and planning

AI assists developers in selecting the best sites for new projects by analyzing vast amounts of data on demographics, market trends, and environmental factors. This leads to more informed and successful development projects. 

AI platforms like Reonomy use machine learning to identify patterns that indicate growth potential, helping developers choose prime locations for their projects. This technology can analyze factors like population growth, economic trends, and even environmental risks, providing developers with a comprehensive view of potential sites.

In addition to site selection, AI can assist with zoning compliance. By analyzing local zoning laws and regulations, AI can help developers ensure that their projects meet all necessary legal requirements, avoiding costly delays and fines.

Automation and optimization in construction

In the construction phase, AI can automate many processes, from scheduling to supply chain management, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.

Doxel, an AI-powered construction productivity solution, uses autonomous robots and drones to track progress in real time, reducing project delays by 38% on average. This technology can also identify potential issues before they become significant problems, allowing project managers to address them proactively.

AI also plays a role in resource management during construction. AI tools can predict the amount of materials needed for a project, reducing waste and ensuring that resources are used efficiently. This not only lowers costs but also contributes to more sustainable building practices.

Future trends

The future of AI in real estate development looks promising, with advancements in generative AI in commercial real estate design and construction robotics expected to further enhance efficiency and innovation in the field. 

Generative design allows architects and developers to input parameters such as budget and spatial requirements, and the AI produces thousands of design alternatives, helping developers choose the most cost-effective and innovative solution. As AI continues to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated tools that will further revolutionize the real estate development process.

In the near future, we may also see the rise of AI-driven construction sites, where robots and drones handle a significant portion of the labor, overseen by human supervisors. These advancements could dramatically reduce construction times and costs while improving safety on job sites.

Predicting the market: leveraging AI for real estate analytics

Real estate analytics is another area where AI is making a profound impact, especially in the realm of market prediction and investment decision-making.

Market analysis and trend prediction

AI tools are capable of analyzing vast amounts of data to predict market trends and property values with high accuracy. This enables real estate professionals and investors to make more informed decisions. 

For example, Zillow’s Zestimate algorithm leverages AI to predict property values, improving its accuracy by 20% after incorporating neural networks into its predictive models.

In addition to predicting property values, AI for real estate market analysis can analyze broader market trends. For instance, AI can identify emerging neighborhoods that are likely to see significant growth, allowing investors to capitalize on these opportunities before they become widely known.

Data-driven decisions

Investors can leverage AI-driven analytics to gain insights into market dynamics, identify lucrative investment opportunities, and mitigate risks. 

For instance, AI can analyze historical data to forecast future property prices, helping investors maximize returns. According to a PwC report, 60% of real estate investors now use AI-based analytics to guide their investment strategies.

AI in facilities management can also assist in risk management. By analyzing factors such as economic conditions, political stability, and natural disaster risks, AI can help investors assess the potential risks associated with a particular investment. This enables investors to make more informed decisions and avoid potentially costly mistakes.

Commercial real estate AI case studies 

Now, let’s have a look at AI in real estate in practice and how it is transforming a real estate:

JLL’s AI-powered lease management

JLL uses AI to analyze lease contracts, enabling faster and more accurate processing of lease agreements. This has reduced processing time by 30%, improving operational efficiency for property managers. The AI system can also identify and flag potential issues in lease agreements, reducing the risk of legal disputes.

jll ai solution for commercial facility management

WeWork’s space utilization optimization

WeWork leverages AI to monitor how spaces are used in their coworking facilities. By analyzing sensor data and member behavior, they have optimized the layout of their workspaces, increasing member satisfaction significantly. The AI system also helps WeWork identify underutilized spaces, which can then be reconfigured to better meet member needs.

WeWork leverages AI

CBRE’s predictive maintenance program

CBRE has implemented AI-powered predictive maintenance tools in their managed properties, reducing maintenance costs by 15% and extending the lifespan of equipment by 20%. The AI system can predict when equipment is likely to fail, allowing maintenance to be scheduled before a breakdown occurs. This reduces downtime and ensures that critical systems remain operational.


The integration of AI in commercial real estate is a necessity for those looking to stay competitive in today’s market because AI offers numerous benefits that can transform the way you do business.

As for the future of building automation, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of AI in commercial real estate. For example, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies could be combined with AI to create immersive property tours that allow potential buyers or tenants to explore properties remotely. Additionally, blockchain technology could be integrated with AI to create more secure and transparent real estate transactions. And, of course, we can expect new AI tools for real estate investors to emerge. 

As AI continues to evolve, its role in real estate will only grow, making it crucial for industry professionals to embrace AI-powered solutions for commercial property management to enhance their efficiency and profitability. 

We hope we answer your question “How to use ai in real estate?” in this article. Now is the time to explore how AI can be integrated into your operations, offering a pathway to greater efficiency, profitability, and innovation.