DevOps Services

Gain a competitive advantage by improving speed, quality, and efficiency through DevOps. Our services drive successful rapid software development and deployment by aligning proven practices with your business goals.

What is DevOps?

DevOps accelerates the way an idea moves from development to deployment. During your app’s lifecycle, the core principle of DevOps engineers is to ensure the continuity of the processes by automating routine operational tasks, setting up standardized environments and monitoring their performance.


of organizations

state that they rely on DevOps services at present to deploy software, or plan to do it in the near future.

What are the main responsibilities of DevOps engineering department

Planning of the application and its infrastructure, testing and development

Setting up and maintaining CI/CD pipelines

Automation implementation

Ensuring a safe environment

Keeping track of the software performance

Why employ DevOps services

The DevOps combine the operations and development departments’ expertise to meet your goals with proven services and solutions. Not only does it speed up the development process, but also the IT services become much more resilient, resulting in faster ROI and fewer disruptions to business operations. From planning to delivery, we are working hard to achieve:

Considerable time and money savings

The principles of the major DevOps practices such as Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Continuous Integration (CI), and Continuous Delivery (CD) foster automation of tasks by ensuring the uniformity of task scenarios and infrastructure constancy. In that way, automation enables higher productivity and frees up organizations to focus on what really matters for them - driving innovation and performance.

Excellent quality

By means of frequent repetition and automation of every relevant process, the services of our DevOps engineers help to minimize the influence of the human factor, reduce a great deal of time and effort spent on routine and recurrent operations. In that way, you can be sure of your product’s flawless performance, its increased quality, and faster time to market.

Software lifecycle predictability

The key to a successful and fast deployment lies in establishing a stable environment and using proven development processes. By combining the essential factors of the DevOps method, we achieve a predictable development result and assure the complete reliability of a software product.

Faster issue resolution

DevOps engineering and consulting expertise is an approach perfectly capable of providing the most versatile solutions to any arising software development issues. Our department's structure and methods offer flexible services ready to reshape and adjust according to your requirements or any changes in them.

Ongoing monitoring

For every organization it is vital to know what data to collect and how to act on it efficiently. Therefore our DevOps engineers keep a close watch over the app and its infrastructure to detect blind spots and set right any potential issues.

DevOps automation tools, technologies

  • AWS logo
  • Terraform logo
  • Keybase logo
  • MongoDB logo
  • Github logo

How we help with DevOps services

Apiko DevOps services incorporate the best market-validated processes and tools for top-quality product deployment. By automating your cloud infrastructure as well as ensuring continuous delivery and continuous integration, we help you to set up the initial staging and production environments and get your product to market as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • Choose infrastructure for databases, decide how many servers and what server performance we need to run the applications. The infrastructure should be easily scalable for any possible changes in the future. We also ensure that the connections to the database are highly secure to avoid any vulnerabilities.

  • Set up a highly reliable staging environment, where we do all development and beta releases.

  • Focus on infrastructure maintenance and regular metrics analysis. Any infrastructure changes at this point should be done efficiently and stably. The production-ready setup allows you as a customer to have secure and performant infrastructure without downtime.

  • Continuously integrate code and automatically run tests, build and deploy artifacts with the help of CI/CD pipelines.

  • Monitor any changes the developer commits to the main branch and make sure the code is up and running through testing. Prevent insufficient code changes to be built and deployed to the running server and update tasks for the backend to achieve a seamless performance of the software.

  • Perform multiple types of testing on each level to ensure the data passes freely among different components within the system.

  • Track and monitor key metrics with the Cloudwatch service on a daily basis and for long-term analysis, create dashboards for better visibility.

  • Enable infrastructure alerts for the development team to learn instantly about any issues with the application they are working on and use health check monitoring to make sure your website keeps functioning properly.

  • Perform a monthly review of infrastructure, based on metrics and logs.

  • Conduct analysis of services, application performance, incoming traffic, security, vulnerabilities, and provide budget optimization suggestions.

  • Send a report that will include the current infrastructure status and its comparison with the previous month.

  • Write support documentation that should include the current infrastructure diagram, description of all services that we are using and answers to common questions.

  • Provide detailed information about the setup for a customer and a development team to keep on top of DevOps automation.

  • Calculate approximate budget of an infrastructure based on the selected configuration and according to the project’s needs.

Hear it straight from the source: clients thrive with our DevOps support

The Apiko DevOps team is extremely reliable. We had an extensive order where we had to move our existing server structure with many of our own instances to the AWS environment. In addition, we faced the challenge of implementing MongoDB in a high-performance environment, which Mongo itself only offered at great cost. We can recommend Apiko to everyone as a reliable partner. Five stars from us!

Request a FREE audit of your Amazon Web Services infrastructure

to detect misconfigurations in your cloud environment and account settings.

DevOps engineering department at Apiko

Request a FREE audit of your Amazon Web Services infrastructure

to detect misconfigurations in your cloud environment and account settings.

  • Our DevOps team will audit your AWS infrastructure for reliability, alerting, performance, visibility, and architecture.
  • No matter what your project size or industry are, we will:
    • Check your security configuration to make sure it meets your current business objectives
    • Help you with your compliance and risk management needs
    • Provide expert tips and recommendations based on audit data to make the development process reliable, smooth and hassle-free

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And discuss your business plan and further actions together

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How to implement DeOps?

The increasing adoption of DevOps by most of the organizations around the world certainly indicates its potential as a catalyst for growth. To implement DevOps best practices in delivering reliable, high-quality software faster, teams need to:

  • Evaluate the need for DevOps services and align your objectives with the business goals

  • Set up a competent team that excels at DevOps engineer skills

  • Choose the right set of tools to create a complex, integrated system

  • Integrate infrastructure automation with CI/CD and establish automated testing

  • Monitor the performance, correct any arising issues, and scale

What will the DevOps team do for you?

The scope of the DevOps work varies according to the requirements and specifics of each organization. So, before we start working on your project, our DevOps team carefully studies and analyzes your current IT processes and creates a plan on what qualitative improvements should be made. After the initial research and planning, our specialists start implementing automation with best DevOps practices at different levels of your development environment, keeping track of the changes, monitoring and improving the performance.

What are the DevOps practices?
  • Continuous development. Includes the planning and coding phases of the DevOps flow. The goal is to automate and streamline the process of building, testing and deploying new code into a staging environment.

  • Continuous testing. Automated code tests as application code is being written or changed to get an instant feedback on business risks connected to a software performance and launch.

  • Continuous integration (CI). A practice that calls for developers to integrate the code they are writing into a shared repository a few times per day. It allows them to get quick feedback and identify possible issues early.

  • Continuous deployment (CD). Every change that goes through all phases of the production pipeline is released to your customers automatically. Only a failed test can hinder a new change deployment to production.

  • Continuous monitoring. Continuous monitoring of both the code in operation and the underlying infrastructure to identify compliance issues and security risks during the whole IT operations lifecycle.

  • Infrastructure as a code. With the combination of cloud automation technology, IaC enables teams to turn complex systems into written code, which they can deploy easily, at the click of a button.

What are DevOps skills?

Among some essential skills such as coding, testing, and cloud computing, DevOps engineers must have an excellent understanding of processes’ automation. Automation is crucial because it allows to minimize the human factor, and in return, to maximize speed, accuracy, consistency, and reliability. The result is faster, better-quality delivery of value to users.

Without the comprehension of how to automate the entire DevOps pipeline, taking into account CI/CD, ongoing testing, performance monitoring, infrastructure settings, configurations, and tools, there is nothing to do in DevOps.