Custom Software Integration Services

Welcome the innovation: Let Apiko IT integration services impeccably unite new software functionality with your current IT system

Custom software integration services ensure


Software integration does not affect your IT system. All functionality works as expected at all times.


The integrated software doesn’t create any system vulnerabilities. Besides, we offer a full-scale IT audit to timely detect and address any existing or potential security issues within your IT infrastructure.

Futureproof solutions

Scalability, optimized risk management, time- and cost-efficiency are some of the benefits provided by custom integration, making your IT system useful and performant for the years to come.

Why to use

Why to use IT integration services

We deal with the technical challenges of software integration, so you have more time to focus on your business priorities
  • Ensure full compatibility of the new software with your IT system
  • Achieve interoperability: get all-in-one IT environment
    • Single sign-on (SSO)
    • Reuse the same database(s) for all your software functionality. Forget about running constant data migrations and separate updates across each of your apps for keeping the data uniformly up-to-date
    • Synchronize events updates across your work management tools, and more
  • Avoid redundant functionality and extra complications by optimizing your IT infrastructure
  • Implement the best security practices to make your IT system resistant to malware activity, cyber attacks, etc., and to prevent from their possible consequences.

Get a free health check for your AWS infrastructure

Let us audit your AWS cloud infrastructure to make sure it has optimal performance and cost efficiency, is secure, and corresponds to the best software development practices.

The main types of software integration

The Apiko Team meticulously considers all of your app and data integration requirements to come up with the most appropriate tech solution

API integration

API-based integration consists in using application programming interfaces to enable communication and data exchange between different applications.

Middleware integration

Middleware like Zapier, Workato, etc. acts as a third-party bridge that enables communication between applications or services. Enterprise service bus (ESB) is also often used in large organizations to manage numerous and/or complex integrations.

Point-to-point integration

Direct connection may be a simpler solution when we have just two applications, but its complexity increases with the growth of the number of integrations.

Data integration

Data integration provides a single access to different data sources within an organization, enabling interaction with and between them. Some of the data integration methods include ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), ELT (Extract, Load, Transform), database federation, database replication, etc.

Cloud integration

Connecting cloud application architecture for different apps, so that they can operate together seamlessly within a united IT infrastructure.

Event-driven integration

This type of custom integration enables a connection between the apps where an event in one system triggers an action in another.

Transform your ideas into reality!

Remove any software development uncertainties through a qualified IT consultation.
case study integrations
The leading software chosen by leaders:
Hive aims at creating an ideal working environment that significantly facilitates staying focused, efficient and productive while keeping full control of your project management.
The ability to pick your unique SaaS configuration from over 1000 of Hive integrations, and multi-tenant architecture make Hive the #1 choice for project management in the world, regardless of the industry. These are just a few of renown Hive clients
  • Google Logo
  • Starbucks Logo
  • Australian Government Logo
  • NBA Logo
  • AC Milan Logo
  • Toyota Logo
Value impact:
The Apiko Team has built the product from scratch. We are still actively implementing new functionality, and ensure its high quality and maintainability.
Case study:Hive┃SaaS Project Management Solution Development
Some of IT integration services provided:
  • API integration: Leveraging application programming interfaces (APIs) for enabling communication between the apps. AI integration for Hive project builder. It also allows generating item descriptions based on the titles, tasks subactions, relevant images, and more. Using custom integration to deal with the challenging API layers, e.g. in case of Salesforce.
  • Middleware integration: Using tools like Zapier and Workato to leverage automation, e.g. by creating reusable integration components and algorithms. Thus, it reduces development time and cost.
  • Data integration: Easy centralized access to multiple file storages across an organization, including Microsoft OneDrive, DropBox, Box, etc.
  • Event-driven integration: Two-way integrations with Jira, Slack, Zoom, Salesforce, Google Calendar, and more, when an event within Hive triggers an event within a respective third-party tool, and vice versa. Implementation of notifications. Besides, it’s possible to combine the favorite functionality of different tools, e.g. replace Hive chat with Slack, etc.
  • Custom software integration: The Apiko Team has successfully completed numerous custom integrations, e.g with Google Mail, Microsoft Mail. We have also customly resolved a challenge of unwanted cyclic behavior of event-driven integrations, when an event in one environment triggered an event in another environment and was recognised as a new event there, consequently triggering another event in the environment of its primary origin.
  • Cloud integration: Microservices integration and setup of CI/CD environment. Cloud infrastructure setup ensures Hive’s IT system’s flawless performance, flexibility, interoperability, security, scalability and maintainability.
"Apiko is excellent. Their technical ability is top-notch. They actually care about the product and being a part of the team, which is hard to find in contractors. Apiko is emotionally invested in the project 100% of the time. If something is on a tight deadline, they pull together as a team to make sure it is met. If there are any concerns, they make sure to bring it up early to avoid delay. They never compromise quality or anything else to achieve a quicker deadline."
Eric Typaldos photo

Eric Typaldos,

Co-founder & CTO at Hive

Software integration process

Discovery phase
  • The Apiko team gathers the requirements from all stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations
  • We define the scope of the integration project
    • Your current IT infrastructure architecture and tech stack
    • What systems and data need to be integrated
  • The technical and financial feasibility of the integration project is assessed.
Software integration strategy planning
  • We develop a strategy for integration, including choosing the appropriate type of integration (e.g., API, ESB, ETL)
  • Design the integration architecture, specifying how systems will communicate and what technologies will be used
  • Define data mapping between different systems, including data transformation rules.
  • The development stage is the technical implementation of the chosen software integration strategy. Some of our typical tasks are
    • Develop APIs to enable communication between the systems
    • Set up middleware, e.g. ESB, if required
    • Write custom code for handling specific integration requirements, e.g. implementing data transformation, business logic, etc.
Quality assurance
  • Run unit, integration and end-to-end tests to ensure all the components of your IT system communicate correctly,
    data flows as intended, and everything works as expected
  • Run performance and load tests to ensure the integration can handle the expected load and performs efficiently
  • Conduct user acceptance testing (UAT) so the end-users check if the integration meets their needs and
    expectations, and provide their feedback so we can use it for improvements.
Documentation & maintenance
  • Create comprehensive documentation for the software integration process, including architecture, data mappings, and troubleshooting guides
  • Assist with end-users onboarding, and use their feedback for improvements and fine-tuning of future updates
  • Implement monitoring tools to keep track of the integration’s performance and health
  • Detect and address any potential risks as soon as possible. Resolve the issues quickly and efficiently.

Our tech stack

aws logo
google cloud logo
docker logo
digital ocean logo
azure logo
kubernetes logo
html logo
css logo
nextJS logo
meteorJS logo
reactJS logo
styled components logo
sass logo
less logo
nodeJS logo
nestJS logo
elastic logo
express logo
apollo logo
graphql logo
net core logo
asp net logo
dot net logo
mongodb logo
postgresql logo
mysql logo
redis logo
selenium logo
browserstack logo
apache jmeter logo
test rail logo
playwright logo
react native logo
Programming languages
js logo
ts logo
C# logo
Python logo
pyTorch logo
tensor flow logo
mistral ai logo
lang chain logo
hugging face logo
open ai logo
chat gpt logo
meta ai logo
anthropic ai logo

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