Elevating ESG in Commercial Real Estate: The Role of Custom Software Solutions

Elevating ESG in Commercial Real Estate: The Role of Custom Software Solutions

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives are becoming more and more important as the world becomes aware of their need to implement sustainable practices. As such practices gain momentum, ESG takes the spotlight in the commercial real estate industry. According to Statista, environmental sustainability was one of the leading ESG criteria for real estate investors in 2022. Today, when we speak about ESG software and commercial real estate, it signifies a transformative paradigm shift that is reshaping the way companies operate, investors allocate funds, and tenants choose their rental spaces.

In this article, we will talk in detail about the potential of ESG in real estate and customer software solutions in particular.

ESG in Commercial Real Estate

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance and refers to practices and criteria used to measure the ecological, societal, and governance effects of business operations. What is ESG in commercial real estate then? When applied to commercial real estate assets specifically, such practices aim at including environmental, social, and governance considerations into development, management, and operation decisions for each real estate asset.


The environmental aspect involves mitigating real estate operations' environmental footprint through such measures as cutting energy consumption, employing sustainable building design and construction practices, optimizing water usage, managing waste more effectively and adopting renewable energy sources. To put it simply, furthermore addressing climate change risks while simultaneously supporting biodiversity conservation efforts.


This involves the promotion of community well-being and inclusivity for stakeholders affected by commercial real estate projects, with considerations such as affordable housing, accessibility, health and safety measures, community engagement programs, and diversity and inclusion initiatives all being addressed as part of ESG initiatives. Such initiatives may also address labor rights violations against employees as well as unfair treatment for tenants/leaseholds.


It involves monitoring the transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior of commercial real estate companies as they carry out management practices relating to them. This may involve board diversity issues such as compensation arrangements for executives and risks such as anti-corruption measures as well as stakeholder engagement practices that adhere to ethical business standards.

Benefits of Implementing ESG in Commercial Real Estate

1. Enhancing property value and attracting environmentally conscious tenants

Commercial ESG real estate that incorporates sustainable design features, energy-efficient systems, and eco-friendly materials can command higher rents and property values. It also has the potential to attract tenants who prioritize environmental responsibility and seek spaces that align with their beliefs. By adopting these practices, commercial real estate owners can effectively attract and retain tenants who value environmental responsibility.

2. Reducing operating costs through energy efficiency and resource conservation

ESG practices often employ energy-saving building systems like LED lighting, smart controls and efficient HVAC units as part of energy conservation practices. Such measures can drastically decrease energy consumption over time and ultimately bring reduced operating costs over the long haul. Furthermore, water conservation strategies, waste management programs, and sustainable procurement practices can lead to further cost reduction as well.

3. Climate change and regulatory compliance mitigation

Climate change presents numerous threats to commercial real estate properties, such as increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and regulations aimed at curbing carbon emissions. By adopting ESG practices, real estate companies can proactively mitigate climate risks by adopting resilience measures, optimizing building performance, and diversifying energy sources. They also ensure compliance with evolving environmental regulations as they emerge thereby helping avoid penalties or reputational harm to their properties.

4. Enhancing brand reputation and attracting socially responsible investors

Real estate ESG initiatives demonstrate a company's dedication to sustainable practices and responsible business operations. By actively incorporating such principles into operations commercial real estate companies can strengthen their brand recognition while differentiating themselves from competition in their marketplace. By adopting ESG as investment decision criteria they may increase customer loyalty while drawing in socially responsible investors with ethical investment criteria that prioritize sustainability when making investment decisions.

5. Accessing lower-cost capital and financial incentives

Commercial real estate companies adopting ESG practices may gain access to lower-cost capital as financial institutions increasingly integrate environmental criteria into lending and investment decisions. Likewise, governments and local authorities often offer financial incentives such as tax credits, grants or subsidies as a means to encourage ESG investments into real estate projects.

Key ESG Considerations in Commercial Real Estate

There are key ESG considerations within each pillar (environmental, social, and governance) in commercial real estate. Here are some specific factors to consider within each category:

Environmental Factors

  • Energy Efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient building systems, using efficient appliances and lighting fixtures, as well as optimizing consumption through smart controls and monitoring to minimize consumption of electricity and save costs.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Integrating renewable energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines into the energy infrastructure in order to decrease fossil fuel usage and carbon emissions.
  • Waste Management: Implement effective waste management programs such as recycling and waste reduction initiatives on property to lessen environmental impact of generated trash.
  • Water Conservation: Installing water-efficient fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and adopting strategies that minimize consumption while simultaneously encouraging conservation can all help promote water preservation and save on consumption costs.

Social Factors

  • Health & Well-Being: Designing buildings and spaces to prioritize occupant health and well-being through measures such as providing sufficient natural lighting, maintaining good air quality indoors, and promoting active lifestyles is at the core of building design today.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities to understand their needs and concerns, engaging them in the planning and development process, and contributing positively through initiatives like affordable housing projects, job creation initiatives, and community programs is central to providing positive services in any environment.
  • Diversity & Inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion within the workforce by guaranteeing fair treatment of employees and tenants regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or other characteristics. Foster a supportive workplace culture while offering equal advancement possibilities.

Governance Factors

  • Transparent Decision-Making: Establishing transparent processes for decision-making, with clear communication channels and engagement from stakeholders.
  • Ethics: Adherence to ethical business practices such as anti-corruption measures, fair competition, and responsible ESG supply chain management is of utmost importance for success in business.
  • Compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant environmental protection, labor rights, health and safety, and data privacy laws and standards.

Role of Custom Software Development in ESG Implementation

Custom software development plays a pivotal role in helping commercial real estate practitioners implement environmental, social, and governance practices. It offers tailor-made solutions that facilitate data collection, analysis, reporting, performance tracking, stakeholder engagement, and system integration. 

Here are just a few specific ways it can contribute to ESG:

Data Collection, Analysis & Reporting: Custom software solutions can be developed to automate the collection and analysis of ESG data such as energy use (energy consumption/waste production/generation), social indicators (occupant satisfaction/community impact/occupant retention rates/social indicators) as well as governance factors (compliance/transparency). Such solutions streamline data collection processes while guaranteeing accuracy and producing comprehensive reports to support informed decision-making processes.

Tracking & Monitoring ESG Performance: Custom software allows real-time tracking and monitoring of key ESG indicators and targets, including energy usage, water consumption, waste management practices, greenhouse gas emissions, social impact as well as governance compliance regulations. This enables stakeholders to assess performance against sustainability goals, identify areas for improvement as well as make data-driven decisions to enhance ESG performance.

Streamlining Stakeholder Engagement & Communication: Custom software solutions can facilitate effective stakeholder engagement by offering platforms for communication, collaboration, and feedback among various stakeholder groups including tenants, employees, investors, and community members. Such software solutions help strengthen transparency, trust, and accountability resulting in effective stakeholder relationships and initiatives.

Integration With Existing Systems: Custom software can integrate seamlessly with existing systems like property, energy, and sustainability tracking platforms to streamline ESG management processes. This integration ensures efficient data flow while eliminating manual data entry thereby improving accuracy and decreasing administrative burden, and making sure ESG considerations seamlessly fit into day-to-day operations.

Case Studies and Examples

Here are several real-world examples of commercial real estate projects which successfully implemented ESG for commercial real estate strategies:

Empire State Realty Trust (ESRT)

ESRT, the owner of New York City's iconic Empire State Building, implemented an intensive energy retrofit project in order to increase energy efficiency and lower environmental impacts of their building. They utilized custom software solutions in order to monitor consumption patterns, evaluate building performance, and identify opportunities for further efficiency improvements. This helped provide real-time data that allowed ESRT to optimize operations and make informed decisions to achieve its commercial real estate sustainability goals.


Prologis, a global logistics real estate firm, has made sustainable development initiatives part of its portfolio strategy. Prologis created custom software solutions to collect and analyze ESG data across their properties globally. This allowed them to track energy use and greenhouse gas emissions along with getting insights on how to optimize resource use and streamline reporting to stakeholders for maximum transparency and accountability.

Tishman Speyer

Tishman Speyer, an award-winning real estate developer, and owner, implemented an ESG program across its global portfolio using custom software development for tracking energy consumption, waste disposal management, and tenant engagement initiatives. Furthermore, their software enabled data-driven decision-making, enabled communication on sustainability initiatives with tenants as well as streamlining reporting processes to demonstrate ESG performance.

Hudson Yards

Hudson Yards in New York City was designed and managed with environmental, social, and governance considerations in mind. Custom software solutions were implemented there to monitor energy use, track waste collection, and promote sustainable transportation options. 

Regulatory and Reporting Framework

Compliance with ESG reporting obligations has become more significant for commercial real estate firms in recent years. Accurate and transparent reporting demonstrates commitment to sustainability, attract investors, meet regulatory obligations and allow stakeholders to evaluate a company's performance while making more informed ESG real estate investing decisions.

Accurate ESG reporting for commercial real estate ensures ESG performance metrics are measured consistently and reliably, helping identify areas for improvement, track sustainability goals, assess ESG strategies' efficacy, and build trust and credibility with stakeholders such as investors, tenants, employees, and the wider community. 

Compliance with commercial real estate ESG reporting obligations may be mandatory or subject to regulatory guidelines in certain countries and can require companies to disclose specific ESG information such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage patterns, and waste management practices, social impact initiatives as well as any initiatives intended to have positive social or environmental outcomes. Not meeting reporting obligations could pose legal and reputational risks that include fines and harm to brand reputation, and could impact company operations significantly.

There are various ESG reporting standards and frameworks applicable to commercial real estate that address environmental, social, and governance aspects. 

Here's an overview of some key ones:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

GRI provides a widely utilized framework for sustainable reporting. Their guidelines assist organizations with reporting ESG indicators such as environmental impacts, labor practices, human rights protections, and governance practices.

  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

SASB provides industry-specific sustainability accounting standards to facilitate disclosure of financially material environmental, social and governance information. Their Real Estate Industry Standards focus specifically on issues relevant to this sector such as energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, community impact analysis, and tenant health and safety considerations.

  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

TCFD provides recommendations for voluntary climate-related financial disclosures. Their primary emphasis lies on assessing and disclosing climate risks and opportunities related to commercial real estate such as physical risks, regulatory concerns, and transition risks associated with transitioning to low carbon economies.

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs offer an international framework for sustainable development by tackling issues of social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Commercial real estate firms should align their ESG efforts with specific SDGs such as affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), or responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).

Common Challenges of Implementing ESG into Commercial Real Estate

Implementing ESG practices into commercial real estate development can present various difficulties. Here are some typical issues in this industry:

  • Data Quality & Access: Acquiring accurate ESG metrics data can be challenging when dealing with various properties, different data sources, and various measurement methodologies. Limited availability or consistency can impede effective reporting or tracking on ESG metrics.
  • Cost Considerations: Implementation of ESG initiatives can require initial investments in technologies, equipment and building upgrades. Financial constraints may present obstacles for smaller property owners and developers who struggle to allocate sufficient funds towards sustainable features and systems.
  • Complexity & Standardization: As ESG reporting frameworks and standards evolve, companies may find it challenging to navigate them all and select which frameworks to adopt. Furthermore, no standard reporting requirements lead to inconsistency among ESG performance across companies compared.

Future Outlook on ESG Commercial Real Estate

As ESG integration in commercial real estate grows, several trends and directions can be observed as for now:

  • Technology & Innovation: Technological advancements such as Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics are playing an increasingly significant role in improving ESG practices. Smart building solutions, energy management system, and custom software applications that leverage this advanced data collection capability enhance decision-making for improved outcomes.
  • Social Impact & Wellbeing: In addition to environmental considerations, an increased emphasis is being put on social impacts and health and well-being for occupants in real estate projects. This includes creating healthy indoor environments, encouraging diversity, meeting community needs, and positive social change through real estate projects.
  • Climate Resilience & Adaptation: With ranging climate change, commercial real estate companies have taken proactive measures to safeguard themselves against its consequences. This includes conducting climate risk analyses and incorporating resilient design features to increase building performance in response to extreme weather events and changing weather patterns.
  • Investor Demand & Integration: Today's investors increasingly incorporate ESG criteria into their investment decisions to align them with sustainability objectives, leading them to integrate ESG factors more deeply into financial analysis, valuation models and risk management strategies.

Wrapping Up

ESG practices play a central role in the commercial real estate industry today. They cover multiple considerations related to environmental sustainability, social impact assessment, and transparent governance - aligning with global sustainability goals while simultaneously offering benefits to stakeholders of commercial real estate assets.

Implementing ESG practices within commercial real estate entities is one way they can boost property values, attract environmentally-minded tenants, lower operating costs, mitigate climate change risks, and enhance brand reputation. Custom software development plays an integral part in overseeing these initiatives successfully.

Custom software solutions enable the collection, analysis, and reporting on ESG metrics. They support monitoring performance indicators, streamline stakeholder engagement efforts, and can integrate seamlessly with existing systems for efficient ESG management. Custom software development empowers commercial real estate projects to make informed decisions with respect to resource optimization while having positive environmental and social effects.

Ready to unlock the potential of ESG in commercial real estate with custom software development? Discover how tailored software solutions can empower your sustainability initiatives and drive long-term value. Contact us today to explore the possibilities and take your ESG strategy to new heights. Together, let's build a more sustainable future for the commercial real estate industry.