Enterprise Software Development: How to Implement the Digital Transformation in Your Company

Enterprise Software Development: How to Implement the Digital Transformation in Your Company

If you’re a proactive, dynamic entrepreneur running a reasonably big company, you’ll agree that sometimes it becomes an epic trick to get a sense of everything that is going on throughout different departments - team events, company news, next sprint, deployment, product updates, and so on. 

Being a part of the management team, your compass has to be set on driving business growth via a solid workflow, guaranteeing that operations are optimized to the best of their potential. And that becomes an even more significant challenge, as all your responsibilities come down to running with a fire extinguisher in endless tries to avoid a disaster and keep everything under dubious control.

Our attention spans are still limited, so there might be a tool you aren’t using yet to help you with filtering, screening out, proceeding, recording, and collecting all the required information - an enterprise app.

Digital transformation market revenue worldwide from 2017 to 2023:

digital transformation market

What is an enterprise app?

If constructed properly, BPMS-governed software integration allows firms to eliminate daily repetitive tasks such as manual data transfers, customer information recording and handling, documents exchanging. Enterprise apps are limited to in-house distribution and should be perfectly tailored to your requirements. 

The initial purpose of developing enterprise software is to assist the organization in solving enterprise problems, promoting internal initiatives, keeping employees up to date, and giving workers insights that can help them do their daily jobs. 

But how to prepare for the procedure? What is the difference between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation? What are the challenges of enterprise application development? 

What is digital transformation?

Implementing a series of technological and human changes to restructure and optimize the existing business models, thereby leading to new opportunities and values for your enterprise. By changing the way it operates and taking advantage of the digital-first approach, you can achieve significant efficiencies and enhanced profitability.    

What do you mean by digitization?

Digitization is the process of transforming non-digital information from a physical or analog into a digital one. It’s aimed at converting non-computer understandable content into formats that machines can process. 

What is the process of digitalization? 

Digitalization means rebuilding business processes by leveraging digitalized technologies to improve business models by creating new values and revenues, while also transforming human-based workflow into computer-operated ones.  

What’s the difference between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation?

Let the examples speak for themselves. Netflix was one of the first companies to use new internet technology to drive nearly its entire business model. It may sound archaic, but in 1998 you could rent a movie for a few bucks apiece plus shipping through its e-commerce platform, and, within two to three business days, a red envelope with a DVD would arrive in your mailbox. After a while, Netflix changed its renting model switching from cassettes to CDs to improve movie quality. That’s how digitization works. 

At the same time, Netflix rebuilt its process by letting clients their CDs of choice on the website before delivering them to their houses. It’s digitalization.

Both aforementioned steps were parts of a more global and fundamental stage - digital transformation. Netflix switched from DVD-by-email business to online streaming platform that operates automatically from user subscription to movie watching. With machine learning and Big Data technology, Netflix can recommend movies based on the user's preferences, viewing history to further enhance user experience

enterprise app development

Benefits of digital transformation

For increasing business efficiency:

  • Business agility
  • Inventory pooling
  • Cost optimization
  • Informed decisions
  • Increased productivity
  • Innovation
  • Revenue enhancement
  • Market share gains
  • Redundant cost elimination
  • Working capital reduction
  • Improved asset utilization 

For polishing customer experience:

  • Personalized interactions
  • Dynamic & aware apps
  • Deeper engagement
  • Channel flexibility
  • Joyful user experience

Enterprise software development services:

You can enhance your business value with high-functioning, best-suited enterprise applications. Through implementing an intensely personalized, hyper-connective application, you will address the unique enterprise needs, support your business infrastructure and get the agile, innovative experience. 

Build up your custom BPM tool from scratch, add the features you want, customize the design, and play with the interface until you’re totally satisfied. With the right software development partner it won’t take too long?

  • Digital Transformation Services

In today’s ever-changing market, you should rebuild fast or get used to being pulled out of the competition. By means of digital transformation services, you can easily reconfigure and modify existing business processes or create a new one to meet fragile, changeable requirements. Modern digital technologies will extend your horizons, rebear the way of doing business and propel your products or services drastically. 

Digital transformation is not a nice-to-have feature anymore, it’s a must. Using this technology empowers you to focus on managing first-priority tasks and automate the rest. 

  • Data Management

We’re sure that you’re already using analytics for your business, but what do you think about Big Data, Data Science, Cognitive Computing or Blockchain? They’re related, but effective data management strategy goes well-beyond. It’s something not only bigger, but more complex than humanly possible, a force that can’t be ignored. 

Emerging in-depth analytics allows companies to quickly access and analyze their data to make better business decisions faster. Your competitive advantage is first and foremost your data, secondly how to leverage the speed, agility and security that data management transformation can bring, and thirdly what percentage of your workforce has the ability to use intelligent automation to make better decisions and drive better outcomes using Big Data.

Different teams in your company rely on different applications and tools, sounds familiar and painful, yeah? If your work involves syncing between several departments, you definitely know how tricky it might be to waste years  importing or exporting CSV files and juggling a myriad of services.
Enterprise software allows you to integrate existing business requirements with cutting-edge technology that strongly binds your familiar applications with innovative apps, third party integrations, APIs and data. Improve your software infrastructure and launch a revolutionary new strategy with comprehensive BPM system development. 

Nowadays BPMS vendors strive to make their systems easy to connect and offer a decent of out-of-the-box integration functionality. Besides, modern enterprises, particularly those trying to remain agile, cannot support unlimited integration capabilities. 

That’s where we come into the limelight to fill the gaps your BPMS hasn’t and process its integration with the following systems:

  1. Customer Relationship Management 
  2. Human Resources Management
  3. Project Management Software 
  4. Enterprise Resource Planning
  5. Accounting System
  6. Documents Exchange System

Your software tools have to be flexible and agile to increase productivity, that’s why enterprise mobility becomes a must, not an innovation. By developing an application that is compatible, scalable and easily accessible on multiple devices like smartphones and tablets. 

Interconnected accessibility can support a large number of users in their business environment and improve productivity with overall enhancement and scalability to software architecture 

Outdated software leads to significant risks of expensive maintenance, so you can hire your talents to update your needs with the latest technologies and get the benefits of lower maintenance or reconfiguration costs. You can migrate the enterprise application effectively or perform an in-depth feature and technical analysis of your legacy solutions to become self-sustained and offer disruptive, powerful, latest applications.  

Emerging technologies for enterprise transformation:

  1. Artificial intelligence
  2. Internet of things
  3. Blockchain
  4. Cloud computing
  5. Big Data
  6. Augmented reality

Our competency areas

Over the last 7 years, the pace at which our expertise extended with new technologies and industries is impossible to keep up with. As the company grows, the number of competency areas increases accordingly and now it covers:

  • Retail
  • Education
  • Real Estate
  • Healthcare
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Finance & Banking

How to prepare for digital transformation? Essential steps to take before reorganization and drive success to the enterprise. 

  1. Define the business value of digital transformation, align the scope of work, and sketch the strategy.
  2. Prepare for radical changes, and put humans at the heart of digital transformation.
  3. Jump-start digital transformation with an impactful, measurable initiative.
  4. Choose tech solutions that scale with your long-term strategy.
  5. Seek out an experienced software development partner that shares your vision. 
  6. Be flexible, collect all your requirements, dive deeper into the procedure, inspect, and adjust accordingly.
  7. Scale & transform!